If you're searching for Stables For Sale then Custom Timber Buildings' range of British manufactured wooden stables may be custom made to match just about every scenario, they are fashioned with quality, sturdiness and value upmost in our thoughts.
All of our Timber Stables are manufactured to high quality standards, we've been manufacturing stables, mobile timber stables, field shelters & mobile field shelters for equestrians for over 25 years.
We provide Timber Stables for horses & ponies in a large number of configurations from single stables, double stables, multiple stable blocks, U-shaped stables, L-shaped stables, mobile stables, field shelters, mobile field shelters, stables on wheels, stables on metal skids, stables on wooden skids, tack rooms, hay & feed stores, vet amenities, eco-water solutions, solar power lighting options ... the list goes on and on ! The combinations of how to design & construct your timber stables are staggering, but our prices are not!
Alternatively you may wish to enquire via E-mail. We will ensure that you get the best quality timber stables at our best prices
We Offer Our Wooden Stables For Sale Across The County of Berkshire Including:
Benefits Of Wooden Stables...
- A higher thermal value (size for size) when compared to other forms of construction
- Warmer in the winter months, cooler in the summer
- Increased sound insulation, lessens the risk of sensitive horses being spooked
- Construction is not weather dependant, unless in extreme circumstances
- Shortened Construction Period which leads to shelter for your horses quicker
- Reduced foundation costs due to the lighter structure of timber horse stables
- Environmentally friendly and aesthetically pleasing